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1. PERSONAL INFORMATION Don't give out personal details to others in the coven unless you feel you can trust them with your life... This is where a lot of drama can start.
2. PLEASE KEEP SWEARING TO A MINIMUM! It is understood that we can let it get away on us every now and then.
3. RESPECT OTHERS This goes for respecting people and each others views. Everyone has a different viewpoint when it comes to the Pagan ways.
4. ROLE PLAYING/ FLUFFY Role playing will not be tolerated and you will be kicked from this one. Role playing is where you believe you are werewolf, mermaid, and such as this.
[A.K.A Fluffy-stuff!]
5. PLAGIARIZING Basically if you want to copy/paste from your favorite site, don't... There can be hefty consequences through the law for "stealing" others work.
6. CHAT & LESSONS If there is a lesson going on in chat, do not interrupt it unless it has something to do with the lesson.
Interrupting class without a good reason is really rude.
7. GENERAL RULES When you are in the chat box and forums, you represent this coven so follow all rules of the site at all times else you may find yourself no longer a member of this coven and/or this site.
8.A  "DRAMA QUEEN/KING!" NO DRAMA! Any person creating drama without good reason will be removed from the coven and it may harm your chances of getting into other covens.If you have a problem with another member then dont get other in the coven involeved, try sorted it between you two and if you cant come to the high priest/priestes  priest/preistess or concile member 
8.B  MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING & COMMUNICATION If you have a problem with someone DON'T cause a scene and talk to High Priest & High Priestess or  Priest/Priestess or any of the Council member and these people will try to sort it out.

[NOTE]: If you choose not to follow any of these rules, you may find that you are not going to be a member of this coven any longer.

«  April 2024  »

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